Are you interested in learning how to write a meditation or affirmation script?
When writing meditation and affirmation scripts, many well-meaning individuals write ineffective or superficial scripts. This is because of how it’s taught in the wellness space.
To write meditation and affirmation scripts well, it’s vital to understand what hypnosis is and how the mind works.
Let’s review the similarities and differences a meditation and hypnosis script have.
There’s a beginning, middle, and end of the script.
The beginning of the script is called an induction. An induction helps the listener focus their attention.
A technique called deepening helps the listener focus their attention even more, which allows the subconscious mind to take center stage. The subconscious mind becomes engaged and can transform.
The middle of the script is where the two differ. For hypnosis, this is where the therapeutic work happens.
For meditation, this is where the scriptwriter (That’s YOU!) can help the person view their challenges in a more dissociated way and offer suggestions to see their problems in a new, more empowered way.
They can help them by:
Having them go on a guided journey.
See their life’s challenges symbolically.
Find internal guides or mentors that offer wisdom about their challenges.
Find internal resources to help them cope with their challenges.
Focus on the present moment, etc.
Technically, meditation is the more superficial level of hypnosis with a focus on seeing one's challenges objectively, dissociating them from their problems for respite, and being in the present moment.
Change happens at this level!
This is why voiceover artists with a healing voice, and hypnotherapists are needed more than ever, because your voice can change someone’s life.
Important Note: It’s important to write all your scripts very carefully. This is because one must have the proper training to address root causes of problems, which often include past trauma, that the person may not consciously be aware of. Having a mentor can be very helpful.
* So stick to the outlined ways of writing your meditation scripts and affirmations that are in this guide.
The end of the script is where you help the person emerge from their deepened state of focused attention with suggestions for change, clarity, or a specific feeling. There are some differences between meditation and hypnosis, but for the sake of this guide, we’ll say it’s mostly the same.
What about affirmations?
An affirmation is a sentence, or a string of sentences, that are to be used repetitively, to train the subconscious mind to overcome a problem or achieve a goal.
It’s what hypnotists call direct drive. It’s a technique used in hypnosis where the hypnotist repeats a suggestion 15 times or more, to help the subconscious mind change.
Affirmations and script suggestions should communicate to the client's subconscious that what’s being said exists in the present, not as a “future possibility.”
This means you’ll avoid saying “you will”, and instead say “you are”.
The exception with saying “you will” is if you put emphasis on “will”. This is because the mind grabs onto the emphasized word, but this is more of an advanced technique.
With any suggestion or affirmation, it’s typically taught that you should formulate it in a positive manner.
For example: I’m beautiful, people like me, and I speak my truth.
Sounds nice, doesn’t it?
Here’s the problem: This nice affirmation may be contrary to deeply ingrained beliefs that are the opposite of this statement.
For example: This person has the unconscious belief that they aren’t worthy, coupled with strong negative emotions of unworthiness. This presents a problem for the subconscious mind.
In this case, the subconscious mind has two choices.
It can adopt the suggested change/affirmation. If that’s the case, what I’ve noticed is that the ingrained inner blueprint of beliefs and emotions will comply, but reroute and find a new way to cause the person more problems. This is because the subconscious mind has to find internal or external evidence to make the blueprint true.
It will comply for a limited time and then reject it entirely. New Year's resolutions are the perfect example of this. Come February, 98% of New Year's resolutions are completely abandoned, no matter how determined a person was.
And this is true for writing meditation or hypnosis scripts as well. So great care needs to be made when writing your scripts to find a more neutral suggestion or affirmation that the subconscious mind won’t reject.
How do you find out what the person’s beliefs are? In this case, you need to become like a detective and investigate. Ask your new client LOTS of questions and take note of their responses.
You can even set up a system where you can have them fill out an online questionnaire. I have one I have my hypnosis clients fill out when I create a custom hypnosis recording for them.
Keep in mind that hypnosis solves people's underlying issues, but you can create your own google form with questions that are appropriate for meditations and affirmations.
So you’ll listen to what they say their challenges are, investigate their beliefs through questions, and from there you’ll write their script using neutral suggestions and concepts their mind can latch on to without rejecting it.
No pressure, right?
Keep in mind that whenever we learn something new, there’s always a learning curve. You’ll get better as time goes by, plus you’ll help move your client in the direction they want to go towards.
And right now there’s a plethora of bad mediation scripts and affirmations. So if you follow the guidelines outlined here, you’ll be doing a better job than 99.99% of the people out there. Whew! 😅
In an attempt to make this as easy as possible for you, here’s a framework to follow when writing a meditation script - including script templates you can use.
Induction (Beginning)
Welcome. My name’s (your name) and I’ll be guiding you into a wonderful relaxing state of focused attention. It’s important never to listen to this recording while driving, operating machinery, or while doing anything else that requires your full attention.
Just settle yourself in a safe space where you can begin to relax and take a break from your day…
And you’ll begin to relax by taking in 3 nice deep slow breaths.
And as you breathe in and out, close your eyes…
And as you take in each breath and let it out, you’ll continue to relax more deeply. I’m not sure how relaxed you’ll become, but each and every breath helps you relax in a way that’s perfect for you, right here, right now.
Short pause
You’re noticing your body is becoming more relaxed with each and every breath…
And your mind is becoming more relaxed as you sense your thoughts floating up and away…
Good, now remember a safe and relaxing time from your past. A time when you felt safe and relaxed.
It may be a time in nature, a time with friends or family, or another time and place where you felt relaxed and safe.
Short pause
As you take in the sights, sounds, smells, and physical sensations of this experience, let this relaxing time be symbolic of a waterfall…
A waterfall of relaxation…
And this waterfall of relaxation pours into the top of your head and goes down, down, and down through your body.
And as this relaxation moves from the top of your head all the way down your body, it fills every cell in your body as you feel safe, secure, and relaxed.
And it’s as if there’s no longer any cares or concerns, just a sense of relaxation and peace.
Transformation (Middle) Your Custom Script Goes Here.
This is where you’ll address their challenge and help them visualize achieving their goals.
Here’s a format you can follow.
Help them see their challenges in a dissociated way, from a bird’s eye view. Then give the suggestion that a guide, angel, wise part of themselves, or future self is there to provide answers to their challenge.
Also suggest that this helper is offering advice on the right next steps for them to take. Always address their problem in the script as if it’s no longer a problem. Use words like “had” and “no longer.”
Example: In the past, you had struggled with eating too much, but this is no longer a problem for you.
Also include bridge words when possible that connect to a new concept.
Example: In the past, you had struggled with eating too much, but this is no longer a problem for you because you stop eating when you’re full.
Another approach is directing them to see their problem as a specific shape with a color that represents the problem.
Then you can have the color lift and lighten to a bright white (or the clients favorite color), and have that color go into the top of their head from that shape and fill their body. Then offer suggestions to take action towards their goals.
You can combine both these approaches if you’d like, and the possibilities are only limited by your skill-set and imagination.
Emerge (End)
You can use my script below if you’d like:
In a moment, I’m going to count from 1 to 3, and on 3 I’d like you to emerge from this meditation feeling more empowered with a sense of peace.
1, you’re becoming more alert, feeling more empowered, safe, and secure. You’re beginning to notice your surroundings more and more, and you’re noticing your body more and more.
2, you’re beginning to feel the support up underneath you, feeling more peaceful and confident. And you’re noticing how relaxed your mind and body are. And anytime you’d like to relax throughout your day, you’ll simply imagine your waterfall of relaxation pouring into you and filling up each cell with a sense of deep relaxation and peace.
3, at a slow pace, and whenever you feel ready, you’re emerging and opening your eyes, feeling safe, secure, and empowered.
💛 This is a great start to your affirmation and meditation script writing. Big things often have small beginnings. Your willingness to learn new things can literally change a persons life for the better.
Your voice can become a catalyst to inner change, and it becomes a beacon of hope and inspiration.
🎤VO's: If you’d like assistance on your journey, please check out “The Voice of Transformation” Program that will help you embrace your true potential in the lucrative meditation genre.🧘♂️
🤯Hypnotherapists: Tap here to explore scaling your business and charging premium prices to reflect the real value you bring your clients.
Have a great day!